Benicia City Cemetery

The Benicia City Cemetery has over 4,000 people interred in 24 acres and is still currently in use. The City Cemetery has been in use for approximately 150 years, and is the burial place for historical figures such as Edward Von Pfister, a former sea captain, who established the first general store in the area (now known as the Von Pfister Adobe).

From I-80 take 780 East. Take the East Second St. Exit South. Turn right onto Riverhill Drive. The cemetery is at the end of the road.

For more information on Cemetery Fees, Rules and Regulations, and FAQs, please see links at bottom of the page.


Memorial Bench and Tree Program

The City welcomes and is pleased to work with families, individuals, groups and businesses wishing to donate gifts to recognize memorials of loved ones.  We handle each request in person due to the sensitive nature of honoring a loved one that has passed away.

Process for a Memorial Bench, Table or Tree: 

  1. All requests should be submitted to the Parks & Community Services Department staff contact, Ann Dunleavy, Superintendent ( / 707-746-4282).
  2. Staff works with the family to pick the location of bench or tree.  We are currently replacing old benches with new benches for this program. Locations of available benches will be identified during your meeting with Ann Dunleavy. Memorial trees are selected by the Parks Supervisor. 
  3. The individual/family must submit a letter to the Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Commission with the request for a Memorial Bench/Table/Tree, including information on who is being honored. Each request is presented to the Park, Recreation and Cemetery Commission for their approval. 
  4. Once approved, the family/individual will be notified so they can start the process of paying for the bench and ordering the plaque. Bench cost is $1775, Picnic Table cost is $3852 and an ADA Picnic Table cost is $3689 (city orders & installs) and plaque prices vary (we will provide the dimensions once approved by the Commission). 
  5. Once the memorial bench/table & plaque arrives and is scheduled to be installed the family/individual will be notified