City Manager


The position of City Manager is appointed by the City Council. The City Manager’s Office provides professional leadership in the administration of all city services, activities and facilities and directs the execution of policies and objectives formulated by the City Council, appoints all City Department Heads with the exception of City Attorney, City Clerk and City Treasurer, develops and presents to the City Council recommendations and strategies in response to community issues; and plans and executes programs to meet the current and future needs of the City of Benicia.

The City Manager issues a weekly update from all departments, providing information on current projects and activities of city departments.  Click here to read the current and past issues of the City of Benicia This Week.

The mission of the City Manager’s Office is to support the City Council in the development and execution of their goals and policies, and to provide leadership and guidance to City departments in the delivery of City services. Additionally the Department directs the City’s Economic Development, Human Resources, and Information Technology Divisions.

The City Manager’s Office prepares City Council regular meeting and study session agendas and reports; disseminates information about City services and issues to the community through a public information program; and promotes the City’s best interests in interactions with other units of government.

City Manager's Office Staff
Office of the City Manager

Mario Giuliani  - (707)-746-4200
(City Manager)

Sarah Shawky - (707)-746-4334
(Deputy City Manager)

Kristine Peterson - (707) 746-4228
(Acting Executive Assistant to the City Manager)

Ashley Bussart - (707) 746-4309
(Deputy City Clerk)

Economic Development
Colette Schow - (707) 746-4202
(Economic Development Manager)