Engineering Department




City of Benicia New Online Permit Center: Starting June 8th, 2021, the City of Benicia launched a new online Permit Center! We’re excited to offer an easier, more transparent, and accessible webpage for the public to submit, track, communicate, and even pay their permitting fees all online. For more information check out our press release here.

The Engineering Division provides engineering, project management, and inspection of the City’s capital improvement projects and developer-initiated public improvement projects, as well as reviews, approves, and inspects street permit work, and provides engineering assistance to all other City departments. The Engineering Division reviews and approves subdivision and single lot improvement plans, subdivision final maps, and parcel maps.    

In addition, Engineering oversees the planning, design and inspection of all public works projects; street pavement overlays, micro-surfacing, and slurry seals; water line, sewer line and storm drain line replacements; new traffic signal installations, and sidewalk/ramp replacements. Engineering responds to citizen concerns and inquiries regarding public facilities, streets, traffic, safety issues, drainage, and dredging in the marina.  Engineering is responsible for issuance of encroachment, grading, and transportation permits, and construction hydrant meters (for hydrant meters, contact the Finance Department at 746-4225).  Engineering also manages the citywide (MS4-permit) Stormwater Management Program, Pavement Management Program and coordination and inspection of utility work in the public right of way.

The Engineering Division provides representation of the City at several countywide agencies such as Solano Transportation Authority, Caltrans, MTC, and Sol Trans for regional participation on transportation issues and actively seeks grant funding for new projects for the City of Benicia relating to pedestrian and transportation safety.


Hours of Operation:    

For All PW Permit RequestsBenicia Permit Center (

Engineering Division Email:

Public Works Administration or Engineering are noted: By Appointment Only

Business hours are:  9 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 4 PM Monday-Friday

Please be advised that the City of Benicia City Offices are closed on alternating Fridays.

For any questions or inquiries please call us at 707-746-4240.


Common Areas of Inquiry that we can assist you with are:

  • Engineering questions relating to location of utilities, maps and fees
  • Encroachment permits
  • Construction meters
  • (Contact the Finance Department at 746-4225)
  • Current Capital Improvement Projects out to bid