Housing in Benicia

The City of Benicia acknowledges that having a place to call home is an undeniable need shared by everyone. It is the City’s intent to ensure adequate housing is available for everyone whether owned or rented. Several initiatives are underway to support the production and preservation of housing in Benicia.  Please select from the links below and explore this page to learn more.

Accessory Dwelling Units. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are an option for property owners to provide new housing on their property. 

Benicia Housing Element. The Housing Element is a part of the Benicia General Plan that sets a roadmap of policies and programs to support the community's housing needs.

City-Owned Sites for Housing.  Learn more about sites available for housing development as part of the 2023-2031 Housing Element implementation. 

Housing Development. Learn about the key development standards and State legislation related to the production of new housing.

Affordable Housing

Fair Housing

Homebuyer Assistance

Individuals and Families in Need

Universal Design