Impact Fees Comprehensive Update
From July 2019 through December 2020, the City of Benicia is conducting a comprehensive update to the City’s impact fee program. This page contains information on what impact fees are and why the City is updating its impact fee program.
Why is the City updating the impact fee program?
State law (Mitigation Fee Act, California Code 66000 et seq.) governs the development of impact fee programs and requires them to be updated routinely.
Through this update, the City will also streamline the process and improve predictability for applicants by combining the City’s multiple current programs into a single checklist.
What’s the project timeline?
- July 2019: City contracted with Economic Planning Systems (EPS), Bartle Wells Associates and GHD for fee review and fee nexus study updates
- July 2019 – Fall 2020: EPS and sub-consultants set assumptions, collect data and calculate fees
- November 2019 – Fall 2020: Public Awareness meetings
- December 20, 2019: Downtown Business Alliance
- January 14, 2020: Economic Development Board Meeting
- September 23, 2020: Economic Development Board Meeting (impact fee overview and scope of update) Impact Fees Update Presentation at Sept 23rd EDB Meeting
- November 18, 2020: Economic Development Board Meeting (review updated impact fee amounts) Impact Fees Update Presentation at Nov 18th EDB Meeting
- December 15, 2020: City Council Public Hearing. This public hearing includes the introduction of the ordinance amending the municipal code provisions for the City’s Development Impact Fees and Quimby Act parkland dedication and in-lieu fee requirements, review of the annual and five-year AB 1600 report, and a presentation on the updated, maximum and recommended fee levels.
- January 5, 2021: City Council Meeting. This will include the 2nd reading of the Ordinance and adoption of fees by resolution and adoption of the AB1600 Report.
Published Reports and Supporting Documentation
Annual and Five-Year AB 1600 Report
Development Impact Fees Nexus Study Update
Water and Wastewater Capacity Fee Update
Benicia Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
2020 Water Condition Assessment
2020 Wastewater Condition Assessment
Want to learn more and give your feedback?
Once preliminary fee calculations are complete, City staff and the City’s consulting firm will attend public meetings to discuss the impact fee program and calculations. Residents and members of the development community are encouraged to attend and provide feedback.