Citywide Guardrail Upgrades Project
The project consists of replacing existing guardrails, barricades, and appurtenances with new materials that meet safety standards; shoulder rehabilitation; minor concrete; and striping and pavement markings . There are a total of 21 sites that will be addressed with this project.
Tentative Schedule
Start Date - 5/13/2024
End Date - 8/20/2024
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) - 100% of the project is federally grant funded
Midstate Barrier, Inc.
Construction Hours
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident Impact
"No Parking" signs will be placed 72 hours prior to construction. Construction on East 2nd Street will include traffic control, and traffic will be restricted to one lane. Construction on Park Road will include traffic control, and traffic will be restricted to one lane with a flagger on both ends to direct traffic.
Danny Urrutia