General Plan

The Benicia General Plan is the principal policy document for guiding future conservation and development in the city. It reflects the community’s shared values and determination of what Benicia is and should continue to be - an uncommonly special place.


The Plan has a long-term horizon, addressing an approximately 15 to 20 year time frame. At the same time, it brings overall direction to the day-to-day decisions of the City Council, its commissions, and City staff. The General Plan determines what kind of urban development should take place and where and when, and who in the City will be charged with getting it done. 


The Plan...

  • Expresses the desires of Benicia residents in regard to the physical, social, economic, cultural, and environmental character of the city;
  • Serves as a comprehensive guide for making decisions about land use, economic development, road improvements, and protecting natural resources and the public health and safety;
  • Provides the legal foundation for all zoning, subdivision, and public facilities ordinances, decisions, and projects—all of which must be consistent with the General Plan.


General Plan Documents

 General Plan Land Use Map-land use map is modified by the excerpts below
General Plan Environmental Impact Report
General Plan Draft EIR
General Plan Final EIR 
Housing and Safety Element Environmental Impact Report
Certified EIR
Resolution No. 23-7 Certifying EIR 

General Plan Amendments



Housing Element

The Housing Element is an opportunity for the community to establish goals, policies, and programs to address local housing needs. The Housing Element is one of seven required elements of the City’s General Plan, which serves as the blueprint for how the city will grow and address changing needs for development. The current update to the Housing Element will guide housing development in Benicia in the 2023-2031 planning period. 


Housing Element Page


Safety Element

The State of California specifies types of information that must be updated, notably, climate change resiliency and adaptation mitigation. Other topics relating to natural hazards, which are already addressed in the Safety Element but may be updated as necessary to reflect new information, include: fire risk, seismic risk, flood risk, site contamination, and the City’s ability to respond to natural and manmade disasters. 


Safety Element Page




Policy Documents

Since the adoption of the General Plan in 1999, various state, regional and county policy documents have been completed which are relevant to the City's General Plan. The following are a few of the relevant agencies and policy documents.