Solano County Press Release: Governor orders closure of bars, brewpubs and some indoor operations in Solano County – County health officials update local orders, ask residents to stay at home during Fourth of July holiday weekend

Solano County issued an updated press release today noting that the state's order rescinds the local public health officials authority for business operations of bars and indoor dining. It also reminds people not to gather this weekend with those you do not live with:

“Our COVID-19 numbers are not favorable, as you’ll see on the County and state websites, although these businesses don’t appear to be the primary source of transmission,” says Beta T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Public Health Officer. “While it may go against tradition, we are asking Solano County residents to stay at home this Fourth of July weekend. Family and social gatherings remain one of the primary drivers in the spike of cases in Solano County. The more we come together in groups and don’t social distance, the more COVID-19 spreads. If you must go out, wear a face covering and practice 6-foot social distancing, for your own health and for the well being of everyone in our community.”

The City of Benicia commends our residents for doing a good job of keeping the spread of COVID-19 down in our community. Benicia has one of the lowest number of cases in Solano County and in the Bay Area. We are doing a great job by wearing face coverings when in public settings and keeping a distance of six feet from others.

You can keep up the good work this weekend by not participating in or hosting gatherings of people you don’t live with. We've all have heard about increased incidents of COVID-19 cases after Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and Father’s Day gatherings. The exposure to you and your family from asymptomatic carriers is not worth the risk to your health.

Please exercise your independence by choosing to stay home. When you can’t, choose to wear a face covering, practice social distancing, cough and sneeze into a tissue, and please wash your hands thoroughly.

We can get through this together, Benicia, and look forward to celebrating when we’ve conquer COVID-19.