Heavy Rains Mean Potential Flooding Near Sulphur Springs Creek Through 01/16/23 at 9AM
Heavy rains expected through 9:00AM, January 16, 2023 with potential flooding near Sulphur Springs Creek (Lake Herman/Industrial Park Area).
There are heavy rains expected tonight through 9:00AM, January 16, 2023. There is a possibility of potential flooding near Sulphur Springs Creek in the Lake Herman/Industrial Park Area. City of Benicia businesses adjacent to Sulphur Springs Creek could be impacted including portions of East and West Channel Road, Industrial Way, California Court, and Bayshore Road.
Be prepared to evacuate if necessary. Beware of debris in the roadways and never drive through standing water. Avoid unnecessary travel. Turn around, don’t drown.
Stay informed by signing up for Alert Solano at www.AlertSolano.com
Sand bags are available 24/7 at:
Benicia Corp Yard (2400 East Second Street)
East E Street Parking Lot (Access from First Street)
7-Day Forecast 38.11N 122.12W (weather.gov)