Soliciting Comments on the Benicia Chapter of the Solano Countywide Active Transportation Plan

The Solano Countywide Active Transportation Plan (ATP) provides a vision for the development of a well-connected transportation network throughout the county for pedestrian and bicycle facilities that is comfortable for pedestrians and bicyclists of all ages and abilities. The ATP builds upon previous transportation planning efforts and consolidates the Solano Transportation Authority’s (STA) separate Countywide Bicycle, Pedestrian, Safe Routes to School, and Safe Routes to Transit plans into one cohesive plan. The ATP was developed over 18 months during 2018 and 2019 and was guided by staff from Benicia, STA and the other six cities within Solano County. The public outreach for Benicia residents included online and events at the Farmer’s Market. In total, 1,080 comments were collected across Solano County. STA is currently in the process of finalizing the ATP, which is being released for a 60-day public comment period. The ATP and the Benicia chapter of the ATP are provided here for public comment, which are due April 14, 2020.


The Solano Countywide ATP:

Benicia Chapter of ATP:


If you have comments, please direct them to: Mr. Anthony Adams,, Solano Transportation Authority