Solano County Press Release: Solano County moves beyond the Blueprint, COVID-19 Health Order rescinded as the State removes masks mandate and capacity limitations from businesses

California has reopened for business as of June 15, 2021, meaning everyday life should feel a lot like before COVID-19. Restaurants, shopping malls, movie theaters, and most everyday places will be open as usual with no capacity limits or social distancing required. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has indicated masking guidelines are revised, and face coverings are no longer required for fully vaccinated persons when outdoors or indoors in public spaces except as required by local businesses or Cal/OSHA. Anyone can still wear a mask if they would like, especially around children and others who are vulnerable or not yet eligible for vaccination.

Solano County Public Health will continue to align with and follow State guidance, and, as the local Health Order has been rescinded, there will be no additional restrictions imposed in Solano.  Additionally, the State will continue to keep a close eye on COVID-19 vaccination and infection rates over the summer and keep guidelines in place until at least October 1, 2021.

“As Californians continue to get vaccinated, Solano County, like the rest of the state, is reopening and moving beyond the state Blueprint for a Safer Economy,” says Bela T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Health officer.  “This is excellent news for our local businesses and the economy, and, while the Blueprint tiers have ended, we will continue to focus our community outreach efforts on testing, offering COVID-19 vaccine and protecting the most vulnerable communities in Solano County.”


As the state moves beyond the Blueprint, employers are still subject to the current COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards, if applicable to them.  Both locally and statewide, the effort will continue to monitor the transmission and effects of COVID-19 and its many variants.  Everyone is encouraged the follow general public health recommendations from CDPH, including:


  • Get vaccinated when eligible
  • Indoor spaces should be well ventilated (i.e., open all windows and doors to increase natural air flow), following current CDPH and Cal/OSHA guidance at


The following is a list of resources for Solano County residents as we move beyond the state Blueprint.


Emergency Rental and Assistance Program (ERAP):
Renters in Solano County who have lost income or experienced other financial hardship due to COVID-19 and need rental or utility assistance are urged to apply to the federally funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), designed to support low income households impacted by the pandemic health emergency.


Visit the Catholic Charities of Yolo and Solano website at for program and application information for tenants and landlords, including program eligibility, an application checklist and frequently asked questions.  Applicants may also call (707) 400-0741 to apply by phone.  All program materials will be made available in English, Spanish and Tagalog.  The application period may close on July 31, 2021 at 5 p.m.


Eviction Moratorium

The Governor and Legislature worked together to pass SB 91 which extends and expands the protections created by AB 3088. SB 91 extends the moratorium against evictions to June 30, 2021, extends the protections of “no cause” evictions, and makes financial assistance available to financially distressed qualifying landlords and tenants. For more information visit the Tenant Protection Guidelines at


Beyond the Blueprint



  • Homebound individuals interested in requesting an in-home vaccination appointment are encouraged to call the COVID-19 vaccine line at (707) 784-8655 for scheduling assistance
  • Residents without transportation to and from vaccine sites hosted by Solano County are urged to call the COVID-19 vaccine line at (707) 784-8655 and arrange for a free ride through Uber.
  • For vaccine clinic updates and upcoming vaccine clinics in Solano County, visit
  • For vaccine clinics available throughout the State, visit or
  • For the most recent local COVID-19 health information, including the number of COVID-19 cases in Solano County as reflected on the COVID-19 dashboard, visit and on Facebook at (@SolanoCountyPH).


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News Contacts:

Matthew Davis, Senior Management Analyst and Public Communications Officer

(707) 784-6111 | (AND)


Jayleen Richards, Public Health Administrator

707-784-8616 |