Public Works Department
The Public Works Department is responsible for the infrastructure that makes life in Benicia so wonderful. The streets, water, wastewater, and maintenance divisions are some of the most notable responsibilities of the department, but Public Works also includes administration, engineering services, the city's capital improvement program, fleet maintenance, stormwater and flood management. Follow the links below to learn more about each of these areas.
Benicia SeeClickFix
Connect with the City of Benicia through our SeeClickFix app to submit non-emergency requests. Getting involved is just a click away! Benicia SeeClickFix is your resource to report issues in your neighborhood, such as potholes, damaged trees, graffiti, and other issues that need attention.
Service requests submitted under this page are reviewed during business hours. If you are experiencing an emergency, or for after-hours water-related issues, please call the 24/7 Benicia Police Dispatch line at 707-745-3412.
Capital Improvement Projects
Stay up to date on the latest capital improvement projects happening in Benicia.
Engineering Division
Engineering oversees the planning, design and inspection of all public works projects; street pavement overlays, micro-surfacing, and slurry seals; water line, sewer line and storm drain line replacements; new traffic signal installations, and sidewalk/ramp replacements. Engineering responds to citizen concerns and inquiries regarding public facilities, streets, traffic, safety issues, drainage, and dredging in the marina. Engineering is responsible for issuance of encroachment, grading, and transportation permits, and construction hydrant meters (for hydrant meters, contact the Finance Department at 746-4225). Engineering also manages the citywide (MS4-permit) Stormwater Management Program, Pavement Management Program and coordination and inspection of utility work in the public right of way.
Maintenance Division
The Maintenance Division is comprised of the following four sections: fleet and equipment services, water distribution, wastewater collections, streets and storm drains. The Fleet and Equipment Services section provides vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair services for all City departments. The Water Distribution section is responsible for maintaining the City’s raw water transmission and treated water systems in safe and serviceable condition. The Sewer Collection section provides maintenance and repair of the City's wastewater collection system. The Streets and Storm Drains section is responsible for providing safe, clean, and accessible streets and alleys for the public.
The City of Benicia operates and maintains 195 lane miles of roads that connect commuters safely in, out and around our town. More than what commuters see while traveling through the city, road maintenance requires substantial planning, expertise and staff support for which the City’s Public Works Department is responsible.
Wastewater Treatment
The Wastewater Operations Division provides for the operation, maintenance, repair, and capital improvements of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and collection and discharge systems. Additional responsibilities include the implementation of environmental programs mandated by enumerable state and federal statutes and an environmental laboratory providing process control and regulatory monitoring.
Water Treatment
The Water Operations Division provides for the negotiation and management of the City’s water supply contracts, the negotiation and management of the agreement for untreated water supply to Valero Refining Company, and for the operation, maintenance, repair, and capital improvements of the Water Treatment Plant and transmission, distribution, and storage systems.