Homeowners: Start Here

1. Determine if your project requires a building permit: Do I need a building permit?

2. Learn what to expect:

3. Prepare for permitting:

4. Be informed about Owner-Builder:
In California, property owners can act as their own general contractor for construction projects at their residence. When a permit is issued to a homeowner under this scenario, the homeowner is "Owner-Builder". Learn more here: About Owner-Builder 

5. Permitting:

6. Construction:

  • Be a good neighbor. Ensure that your project adheres to construction hours.
  • Inspections must be completed for permitting work. Please review the information on this page.
  • Final/Occupancy: Projects are not considered "completed" until final occupancy is passed. In some cases, a certificate of occupancy may also be required. Please refer to your permit conditions, which will be attached to the issued permit and approved plans.