Density Bonus

In December 2024, the City Council adopted amendments to Section 17.70.270 (Density Bonus) of the Zoning Ordinance to implement the recently adopted Housing Element, Program 1.11 (Amend the Zoning Ordinance to comply with changes in the State Density Bonus law by December 2024). California's Density Bonus Law (Gov. Code, § 65915 et seq.) encourages developers to build affordable housing (e.g., very low-, low- and moderate­ income units) by requiring cities to grant a density bonus, concessions, incentives, and waivers of developments standards for projects that commit certain percentages of their units to affordable housing. Government Code Section 65915(a) requires the City to adopt an ordinance specifying how compliance with the State Density Bonus Law will be implemented.

Ordinance 24-8: Title 17 Zoning Amendment