Local Day Trips

Day trips with American Stage Tours -- All trips leave from the Senior Center parking lot.  Times noted are departure time and approximate arrival time back to the Senior Center. 

Advanced registration is required.  Register at the Senior Center or the Community Center.  Fliers with more information are available at the Senior and Community Centers. 

Register for trips at the Benicia Community Center, 370 East L Street

Wednesday, January 22 
11:30am - 5pm
Cost: $175.00
Red Hawk Casino
Thursday, February 20th 
8:30am - 5pm
Cost - $55

Filoli Gardens
Wednesday, April 23 
9:30am - 4pm
Cost - $110

"Alice in Wonderland" at the Hofman Theater
Saturday, May 17  
12:30pm - 5pm
Cost - $105