Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)

The City of Benicia is mandated by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and their regional implementing agency, the SF Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), to develop a system-specific plan to ensure proper and efficient management, operation and maintenance of our public sanitary sewer collection system. The following documents constitute our plan.

Click on the link below to access the interactive SSO Report database.  This database, known as the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS), is used by the State Water Resources Control Board to track information.  Sewage discharge information, such as date, address and volume, can be accessed here. 

Section 1 Goals
Section 2 Description of sewer system management organization
Section 3 Outlines the legal authority to protect & maintain our sewer system
Section 4 Maintenance & preventative maint plan for our sewer system
Section 5 Engineering standards for the design & construction of pipelines
Section 6 Procedures for responding to emergency sewer overflows & backups
Section 6 The City's SSO & Backup Response Plan
Section 7 Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control Program
Section 8 Information as to how Benicia provides for the hydraulic capacity of key segments of the collection system
Section 9 Describes how we're going to measure the performance & effectiveness of our plan
Section 10 A bi-annual audit is performed on the performance & effectiveness of the City's SSMP
Section 11 This is our plan to share with stakeholders information and education about the importance of a properly constructed, maintained & operated collection system
SWRCB Order 2006-003 DWQ The Legal requirements from the State water Resources Control Board with revised Monitoring & Reporting Program 2013-0058-EXEC.
2006-2008 Statements of Compliance Notice to the Water Board that the City was in compliance with the 08-31-08 deadline
Discontinuation of Requirements for Annual Reports Sanitary sewer overflow & annual sewer system management plan audits
Enrollee's Guide to SSO Database Cover & table of contents only, with a link to full document on the SWRCB website
City Council Resolution No 08-05 Approval by the Benicia City Council to implement the Plan
City Council Reso No. 09-69 Approval of the 2009 SSMP notices to the waterboard that the City was in compliance with the various deadlines for SSMP completion
City Council Reso No. 15-94 Approval of the 2014 update of the City's Sewer System Management Plan
City Council Reso No. 20-137 Approval of the 2020 update to the City's Sewer System Management Plan