Message from the Chief

Welcome to the Benicia Police Department’s website.

As the Chief of Police, I am committed to providing the best service to Benicia through focusing on a preventative approach to combating crime in order to provide a safe community for our residents and visitors. The Benicia Police Department prides itself on being part of the community to strengthen this City, and I will uphold that tradition.

I look forward to providing leadership to the Department, and to continuing my commitment to this community, as I have for the past 24 years.

-Mark Menesini



Additionally, Benicia residents can also requests and participate in these free programs:

  • Vacation Home Check: As staffing allows, the Benicia Police Department volunteers will check your home periodically when you are away. Please allow at least 5 days to process the request.
  • Directed Patrol: Residents can request enforcement or other action by the Police Department related to speeding vehicles, problem traffic areas, or extra patrol requests within the City. Not to be used for parking or abandoned vehicle complaints.
  • Security Camera Registration: Those with outdoor security cameras can voluntarily register their cameras to the Police Department for investigation purposes. This will allow our officers to quickly pinpoint locations with cameras that may have recorded moments that could potentially help with solving crimes. The Police Department will NOT have access to your registered camera systems