Pre-Application Meetings

Pre-Application Meetings are required for certain projects in Benicia prior to submittal of permit applications to Planning, Building, or Engineering. Department Staff may also request a Pre-Application meeting for other projects. These consultations are designed to help applicants better understand the City’s permitting process and receive initial feedback based on a review of preliminary and/or conceptual design proposals. 

Getting Started 

Applicants must apply for a pre-application meeting via the Benicia Permit Center, including the required information and fee. In some cases, the pre-application fee may be applied as a credit to subsequent Planning permit fees.  A pre-application meeting will not be scheduled until the required information and fee are received.

Any questions prior to filing for a pre-application meeting should be directed to the Planning Division, or (707) 746-4320.

What to Expect

Applicants are encouraged to engage their technical team (e.g., architects, engineers, project managers) in preparing for and attending the pre-application meeting.  For cannabis businesses, applicants must provide contact information and bring a security consultant to the meeting. 

Comments received at the pre-application meeting will be issued in writing via the Permit Center.  These comments are informational only, based upon the material provided, and are not binding. Pre-application meetings are not public meetings and/or hearings; the City takes no formal action at these meetings.

When Is a Pre-Application Meeting Required?
  • Any change of occupancy for commercial use as such term is defined by the California Building Code;

  • New non-residential buildings or major alterations;

  • New construction or conversion of multi-family residential, live-work or mixed-use development;

  • Any new cannabis business;

  • Any new business establishment with full alcoholic beverage service;

  • Any grading permit or master grading permit as determined by the Community Development Director;

  • Any request for right-of-way vacation or abandonment;

  • Any proposal that would include an application for a Use Permit, Subdivision, Parcel Map, Rezoning or General Plan Amendment; and/or

  • Design review of “major” projects in a historic district.

For Cannabis Businesses