Renovation and Demolition

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regulates the demolition and renovation of buildings and structures that may contain asbestos, and the manufacture of materials known to contain asbestos. The renovation job ("J") number is for the removal or abatement of asbestos. The demolition J number is for any structural demolition regardless of asbestos content.

The Air District must be notified at least 10 business days before:

  • Any renovation involving the removal of:
    • 100 sq. ft. or more, 100 linear ft. or more, or 35 cubic feet or more of asbestos-containing material; AND
    • Over 1% of asbestos-containing material; AND
    • Friable
  • Any structural demolition regardless of asbestos content. Structural demolition includes any wrecking, moving, dismantling, cutting, disjointing, stripping, removal, or a portion thereof of any structural elements, load-bearing walls, foundation, or roofing of a building, facility or ship. Common activities that fall in this category are:
    • Removing or demolishing an in-ground pool. Air District considers an in-ground pool a water-retaining structure and falls under their regulation.
    • Removing, dismantling, or demolishing a fireplace.
    • Some roofing activities. Please contact Air District directly to review the project.

Residential buildings of four or fewer dwelling units, may notify the Air District 72 hours in advance with the payment of an additional fee.

Air District regulations must always be followed. The BAAQMD Permit Handbook and the chart below can help navigate permitting. For further assistance please email Asbestos, Compliance & Enforcement or call 415-749-4762.


Information and Compliance

Apply for an Asbestos Demolition and Renovation Notification / Job Number ("J" Number)

Compliance Tips for Owners and Managers of Buildings Containing Asbestos

Bay Area Air Quality Management District Permit Handbook