Frequently Asked Questions
The applicant has stated that the property is owned by WCHB, LLC, a private entity. The City of Benicia does not own the land.
Isn't this open space?
The land is undeveloped and currently zoned/planned for Limited Industrial and Commercial uses within the City of Benicia. The Benicia General Plan indicates that the land may be developed in the future for industrial and/or commercial purposes.
What about water, schools, traffic and public safety?
Environmental review will be completed as part of the project review process and in compliance with State law (California Environmental Quality Act, or “CEQA”). Pursuant to CEQA, the project will be reviewed for its impact on a wide range of environmental topics, including public services (police, fire, schools, libraries), transportation and traffic, and utilities and services (water supply, wastewater infrastructure, etc.).
What about affordable housing?
The applicant proposes that 20% of the total housing units will be deed restricted affordable to low-income households.
Do citizens have a say?
As the project moves forward, there will be opportunities for public comment through various public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Any interested person may provide public comment. Additionally, depending upon the level of CEQA review that is undertaken, there will be an opportunity to provide public comments on the environmental review documents prior to the project being considered by the City Council.
How do I learn more?
Project information will be posted and maintained on the City’s website at Periodically, the City will provide community updates via the City of Benicia This Week newsletter and/or social media accounts. In addition, the City will publish public notice in advance of public hearings as required by State law or local ordinance(s).