Benicia Industrial Park Transportation & Employment Center Plan (TEC) Plan
The Benicia Industrial Park is home to over 600 firms employing more than 5,000 workers, which comprises over a third of the total jobs in Benicia. The Park is strategically located, served by I-680, a private deep water port, and Union Pacific Railroad mainline and spurs. The Industrial Park has been recognized as an Employment Center Priority Development Area (EC-PDA) by the Association of Bay Area Governments. PDAs are places that local jurisdictions have identified within their communities where new development will support the day-to-day needs of residents and workers in a multi-modal environment served by transit. As an employment-based PDA, the Industrial Park has the goal of advancing employment growth by attracting new business and providing for the renovation of established areas. The Benicia Industrial Park Transportation and Employment Center Plan (TEC Plan) will help the City achieve these goals in the Industrial Park by creating a more complete business and transportation environment.
The roadway, bicycle, pedestrian, and streetscape improvements outlined in this Plan are divided into two categories: baseline improvements and additional improvements to achieve Complete Streets. Baseline improvements address existing deficiencies and include improvements identified by the City’s General Plan and other relevant planning documents. These improvements should be prioritized and completed soon after Plan adoption. Changes identified as “additional improvements to achieve Complete Streets” constitute the heart of this Plan and serve to transition the Industrial Park into an accessible, multimodal environment that supports bicycling, walking, and riding transit as feasible commute modes. Implementation of these improvements will require coordination with property owners, the Benicia Industrial Park Association (BIPA), transit providers, and others.
The TEC Plan was made possible by funding from a One Bay Area Grant and with the assistance of the Solano Transportation Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. The TEC Plan was adopted by City Council on May 2, 2017.