Project Needs
During drought years, the City of Benicia’s water supply cannot reliably meet the demands of its customers... [Read More]
The City studied the use of recycled water to offset potable water use multiple times since 2003. The projects developed to date have not been implemented due to cost and lack of adequate demand for recycled water. As of 2023, City staff is no longer pursuing a water reuse project. For more information on this decision, view the March 7, 2023 City Council meeting, Business Item 15.A Study Session Discussion of City Water Resources and Water Reuse.
The current drought has raised everyone’s awareness of the need to conserve water and to find new water resources. While we are all hopeful that the predicted El Nino will help alleviate our water woes, the fact remains that we live in an arid state with a history of prolonged periods of drought. This drought is our wake-up call. Now is the time to prepare for our future water needs, especially in times of water shortages.
During drought years, the City of Benicia’s water supply cannot reliably meet the demands of its customers... [Read More]
More and more communities throughout the United States and the world are turning to the use of recycled water for non-potable (non-drinking) purposes. It is a water resource that is growing in popularity as it gains recognition as a sustainable way to preserve precious, and scarce, drinking water...[Read More]
Benicia Water Reuse Project Documents & Related City Council Meetings...[Read More]