Water and Wastewater Utility Rates
The following rate increases, approved by the Benicia City Council on November 16, 2021 after an independent third-party review and extensive public process, took effect January 1, 2022. These rates cover the most critical capital improvements needed to support safe and reliable water and wastewater service.
- 6.5% increase in water rates
- 3% increase in wastewater rates
Note: actual bill increases may be different based on actual usage
Rate Schedule 2022-2026
Water Shortage Contingency Rate Surcharges (only if implemented)
Financial Hardship Assistance Increased
Increased utility assistance is now available to low-income customers experiencing financial hardship and who qualify for PG&E's CARE discount program. For information, contact the Benicia Finance Department at 707-746-4225.
Rebates Available
Learn about waster-wise rebates and services on high-efficiency clothes washers, “smart” sprinkler timers and other items available from the Solano County Water Agency at https://www.scwa2.com/water-efficiency/
Water/Wastewater Operations Budget Here's how ratepayer fees are used:
Accountability and Transparency
We are committed to open and transparent government. Here are some recent audits and reports conducted on the water and wastewater utility.
City of Benicia 2021-23 Adopted Budget
June 2020 Executive Summary Condition Assessment Water
June 2020 Executive Summary Condition Assessment Wastewater
April 2020 Water/Wastewater Utility Update
Benicia’s WaterInsight/WaterSmart Program can help you use less and avoid costly leaks. Check it out at Benicia WaterInsight | ![]() |
Helpful Documents