Water and Wastewater Utility Rates

The City of Benicia is proud to own and operate its own water treatment plant, water distribution system, wastewater collection system, and wastewater treatment plant.  This is unique, especially for a small city like Benicia.  The City bills for water and wastewater utility services on a bi-monthly basis (approximately every 60 days).  Periodic increases are needed for repairing/replacing aging infrastructure, ensuring regulatory compliance obligations, and ongoing operations.

The following rate increases, approved by the Benicia City Council on November 16, 2021 after an independent third-party review and extensive public process, took effect January 1, 2022. These rates cover the most critical capital improvements needed to support safe and reliable water and wastewater service.

  • 6.5% increase in water rates
  • 3% increase in wastewater rates


Note: actual bill increases may be different based on actual usage


Rate Schedule 2022-2026

Water Rate Schedule

Wastewater Rate Schedule

Water Shortage Contingency Rate Surcharges (only if implemented)

Financial Hardship Assistance Increased

Increased utility assistance is now available to low-income customers experiencing financial hardship and who qualify for PG&E's CARE discount program. For information, contact the Benicia Finance Department at 707-746-4225.

Rebates Available

Learn about waster-wise rebates and services on high-efficiency clothes washers, “smart” sprinkler timers and other items available from the Solano County Water Agency at https://www.scwa2.com/water-efficiency/


Water/Wastewater Operations Budget Here's how ratepayer fees are used:

Water Expense Graph

Wastewater Expense Graph


Accountability and Transparency

We are committed to open and transparent government. Here are some recent audits and reports conducted on the water and wastewater utility.

City of Benicia 2021-23 Adopted Budget

June 2020 Executive Summary Condition Assessment Water

June 2020 Executive Summary Condition Assessment Wastewater

April 2020 Water/Wastewater Utility Update



Benicia’s WaterInsight/WaterSmart Program can help you use less and avoid costly leaks. Check it out at Benicia WaterInsight



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